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Universitat Rovira i Virgili. Masters Erasmus Mundus

1 Opinioni 5/5



01 Sep 2007

IMQP - International Master in Quaternary and Prehistory Master International en Quaternaire et Préhistoire

Soon, after the examination of my thesis in front of the international jury on the 16th of June 2007 in Muséum Nationale d’Histoire Naturelle (France), I had an opportunity to enroll in the office of the Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Indonesia to UNESCO. Since then, I have been an assistant to the Ambassador of the Indonesian Delegation to UNESCO, and I also have been a student in the doctoral degree at MNHN. There are contrasts but I found the interface for myself. From the substantive matters as well as administrative and secretariat matters in my office, I have the opportunity to learn what happened with a big dream like UNESCO: a dynamic of multilateral cooperation, substantive matters in cultural sector and world heritage management, having the opportunity to meet with the decision makers from my country in the office (they are the bureaucrats and the legislators) and learn to use different working languages and office tools (informatics, archiving). For my studies, my working group in MNHN has understood that my days were busy with administrative matters but by all means we were working together for our scientific matters and network. As a student who is working for the diplomatic representatives, I’m still doing my research, following the scientific meetings and conferences as well as making some contributions to my scientific network; Human Origins Patrimony in Southeast Asia. The HOPsea network provides the international collaboration to human patrimony studies in Southeast Asia. The scientific exchange between European and Southeast Asian partners gives the opportunity to find and work with international colleges, share everything for the scientific matters, and expand my networking

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IMQP - International Master in Quaternary and Prehistory Master International en Quaternaire et Préhistoire
5.0 1 opinione
Universitat Rovira i Virgili. Masters Erasmus Mundus
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